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 Call for Papers: Contact-Based Interventions
Posted by: Gunnar Lemmer
Title/Position: Research Fellow
School/Organization: University Marburg
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP
Date posted: September 6th, 2010

call for papers - contact-based interventions for the improvement of ethnic intergroup relations

Dear Colleagues,

We are conducting a meta-analysis of the effectiveness of contact-theory-based interventions for the improvement of ethnic intergroup relations. We are interested in interventions that bring persons with different ethnic backgrounds face-to-face together -- either in a direct, face-to-face way or in a rather indirect way (e.g., by means of the Internet or by means of telling stories) in order to improve relations between the involved ethnicities. Eligible studies have to investigate the effectiveness of such an intervention with a quantitative research design.

We have already extensively searched available resources for published studies (e.g., databases and reference lists of previous reviews). We are now especially interested in unpublished and not yet published material. In case you are involved in it, it would be great if you could send it to us. Eligible studies will be listed in the reference list of our paper.

Best wishes,
Ulrich Wagner and Gunnar Lemmer


You can send documents to:

Gunnar Lemmer, (in PDF or Word format)
Philipps-University Marburg
Department of Psychology
Gutenbergstraße 18
35032 Marburg

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