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 Lab Manager Position at the University of Maryland
Posted by: Janetta Lun
Title/Position: Postdoc
School/Organization: University of Maryland
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: July 23rd, 2010

The Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) and Culture Lab at the University of Maryland at College Park is seeking a full-time lab manager. The person will assist the PI, Michele Gelfand, in coordinating and conducting studies on culture, negotiation, mediation, conflict development and resolution in the US, Middle East and Asia.

Responsibilities include:
-- Coordinate and manage research assistants and lab schedule
-- Recruit and schedule community samples and participants from department pool
-- Coordinate data entry and management
-- Assist in administrative duties (e.g., human subject protocols, purchasing, participants and vendor payments, payment to overseas research team, web-site maintenance)
-- Run lab experiments
-- Assist in manuscripts preparation and literature review
-- Contribute to research projects and designs

Minimum Requirements:
-- Bachelor degree in psychology or related fields
-- Experience in running experiments with human participants
-- Have excellent organizational skills and attention to details
-- Able to manage multiple projects simultaneously
-- Knowledge of using Microsoft office (e.g., Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
-- Willing to take initiative and able to work independently and as a member of a team
-- Have excellent analytical and writing ability
-- Must have interpersonal skills

Desirable Requirements:
--Knowledge of using SPSS and web-design tools
--Proficient in Arabic language

The position begins at the end of August 2010. To apply, please send a resume, a cover letter, and names and contact information of two references via email to Michele Gelfand at

University of Maryland is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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