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 Upcoming SSM Meeting
Posted by: Guido Gendolla
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of Geneva
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: April 20th, 2010

The Program Committee of the Society for the Study of Motivation (SSM) invites you to attend the Society's 3rd Annual Meeting, which will be held in affiliation with the 22nd Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science (APS). The SSM conference will take place May 27, 2010, immediately prior to the APS convention. Both the SSM conference and the APS convention will be located in the Sheraton Boston Hotel, Boston, MA.

The SSM meeting program will include an invited address by Charles S. Carver (University of Miami), six symposia, a poster session, and the annual SSM business meeting.

**Symposium sessions will address:
(1) emerging directions in implicit motive research [Co-Chairs: Maika Rawolle (Technische Universität München, Germany) and Oliver C. Schultheiss (Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)],
(2) neural dynamics of approach and avoidance processes [Co-Chairs: Markus Quirin (University of Osnabrück, Germany) and Eddie Harmon-Jones (Texas A&M University, USA)],
(3) classical theories in motivational science (the under- and over-appreciated) [Chair: Larry C. Bernard (Loyola Marymount University, USA)],
(4) motivation and life-span development [Co-Chairs: Claudia M. Haase (University of California, Berkeley, USA) and Katariina Salmela-Aro (University of Helsinki, Finland)],
(5) situational and intrapersonal antecedents of approach/avoidance [Co-Chairs: Veronika Brandstätter (University of Zurich, Switzerland) and Nicola Baumann (University of Trier, Germany)], and
(6) affective engagement (psychophysiological research on the interaction of affect and motivation viewed from an action phases model) [Chair: Sylvia D. Kreibig (University of Geneva, Switzerland & Stanford University, USA)].

**Charles Carver's address will be entitled:
Two layers of the mind in the self-regulatory process: Serotonergic function and what impulsive aggression and depression have in common.

The SSM is an international, interdisciplinary society of motivation researchers. Its mission is to encourage inquiry into all aspects of motivation from a variety of disciplines and perspectives and to facilitate the dissemination of findings to a broad scientific audience. The SSM provides a forum for the exchange of scientific information, fosters discussion of new ideas and findings on motivation among researchers, and encourages exchange and collaboration in research. In association with the University of Gdansk Institute of Psychology, it is co-sponsoring this summer a conference with the theme, Motivation, Self-Regulation and Gender ( It also is now the official sponsor of the journal Motivation and Emotion, providing free electronic journal access to all Society members.

People attending the conference can register on site or by way of the SSM conference web page:

Complete details about the conference, including registration, accommodation, invited speakers, and the schedule w/abstracts are available on the web page.

See you in Boston!

The SSM 2010 Program Committee:
Guido Gendolla (Co-Chair, University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Rex Wright (Co-Chair, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA)
Jennifer Beer (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
Veronika Brandstätter-Morawietz (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Peter Gollwitzer (New York University, USA; University of Constance, Germany)
Ruth Kanfer (Arizona State University, USA)
Samuele Marcora (Bangor University, Wales, UK)
Carol Sansone (University of Utah, USA)
Bernard Weiner (UCLA, USA)

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