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 Conference on Interdisciplinary Science of Consumption
Posted by: Stephanie D. Preston
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: University of Michigan
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: February 23rd, 2010

Registration is now open for:

The Interdisciplinary Science of Consumption: Mechanisms of Allocating Resources Across Disciplines

This conference at the University of Michigan brings together leaders from multiple fields (neuroscience, economics, ethology, psychology, marketing) to investigate common mechanisms underlying consumption across domains.

Register online now as rates are greatly reduced during early registration.

Preliminary Schedule

Evening Lectures in Rackham Auditorium (open to the public) May 12th and 13th:
-Robert Frank (Cornell University)
-Frans de Waal (Emory University)

Plenary talks in Rackham Amphitheatre (for registrants) May 13th and 14th:
-Antoine Bechara (University of Southern California)
-Bruce J. Ellis (University of Arizona)
-Randy Frost (Smith College)
-Vladas Griskevicius (University of Minnesota)
-Brian Knutson (Stanford University)
-Stephen Lea (University of Exeter)
-Geoffrey Miller (University of New Mexico)
-Stephanie Preston (University of Michigan)
-Terry Robinson (University of Michigan)
-David Sherry (University of Western Ontario)
-Kathleen Vohs (University of Minnesota)
-Paul Webley (University of London)

Consumption Fair on the 4th floor of Rackham (open to the public) May 15th:
-Student poster session (submit abstract to MM10postersession at by March 30th).
-Interdisciplinary panel discussion
-Educational activities for the community

For more information go to

Best Regards,
Stephanie D. Preston, PhD

Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
University of Michigan

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