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 Associate Professor/Full Professor, NUS
Posted by: George Bishop
Title/Position: Professor and Head, Department of Psychology
School/Organization: National University of Singapore
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 23rd, 2010

The Department of Psychology at the National University of Singapore invites inquiries, nominations and applications for outstanding senior level academics to join the department in the areas of social, developmental and abnormal/clinical psychology. These positions are part of the department’s drive for developing research excellence as well as outstanding programs at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. We seek applicants for both tenure line and visiting positions. Applicants should be internationally recognized scholars at the Associate or Full Professor levels committed to first class research. Strong preference will be given to candidates whose research fits with current department strengths which include research on emotion, language/language development, and mental and physical health. The department offers undergraduate as well as research Masters and Ph.D. degrees and two clinical psychology training programs. Successful tenure line applicants will be expected to take a leadership role in the further development of research and teaching programs in the department. Applicants should send full CV along with statements of research and teaching interests and experience as well as the names and contact details of at least six referees.

The National University of Singapore is one of three government sponsored universities in Singapore and is home to Singapore’s original and largest psychology program. The Department of Psychology has grown rapidly in the past five years and currently includes more than 30 full time Ph.D. level academic staff. The department recently moved into new facilities including significant research space and equipment and has recently opened its psychology clinic. Significant startup research funding is available for selected tenure line applicants and continuing research funding is available through various agencies in Singapore and abroad.

Remuneration is very competitive and includes housing and travel benefits. All application materials should be sent to: Ms Loo Bee Bee, Department of Psychology, National University of Singapore, Block AS4, Level 2, Singapore 117570, Fax: (65) 6773 1843.

Information on the Department and the University can be obtained at and informal inquiries can be directed to Prof. George Bishop, Head, Department of Psychology, at Review of applications has begun and continue until the positions are filled. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

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