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 Postdoctoral Position: NYU Management
Posted by: Yuval Rottenstreich
Title/Position: Assoicate Professor
School/Organization: Stern School, New York University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: January 11th, 2010

The Department of Management and Organizations at the Stern School of Business, New York University, is looking to hire a post-doctoral fellow for academic years 2010-2011 and 2011-2012. Responsibilities include managing our behavioral lab and teaching one 3-credit course each year. Candidates should have their dissertation defended by August 2010 and must demonstrate strong potential in both research and teaching.

The Management and Organizations Department at Stern is diverse and inter-disciplinary, and has long been recognized for its research and scholarship. It consistently ranks highly in terms of research productivity in leading journals. Its members are Steven Blader, Sally Blount, Gino Cattani, Dolly Chugh, Roger Dunbar, Jamie P. Eggers, Christina Fang, Seth Freeman, Ari Ginsberg, Doug Guthrie, Raja Kabaliswaran, Jill Kickul, Anat Lechner, Sonia Marciano, Michael Mazzarese, Frances Milliken, Elizabeth Morrison, Gabriel Natividad, Glenn Okun, Goncalo Pacheco-de-Almeida, Joseph Porac, Yuval Rottenstreich, Robert Salomon, Melissa Schilling, Robert Seamans, Kelly See, Zur Shapira (chair), Sheila Wellington, Batia Wiesenfeld and Geraldine Wu. The following individuals have affiliated appointments in the department: Adam Brandenburger (economics) and Joseph Magee (Wagner School of Public Service). As well, the department has close ties with the Department of Psychology (e.g., Madeline Heilman, John Jost, Yaacov Trope, Tom Tyler).

The Stern School of Business is recognized internationally as one of the world’s most prestigious graduate and undergraduate business schools. Located in the heart of Greenwich Village in New York City, Stern has an internationally diverse faculty and student body. More information on Stern can be found at:

Applicants should send their curriculum vitae, three letters of reference, samples of scholarly work, and teaching evaluations by February 15, 2010. Application materials should be submitted via the Stern School job candidate web site at:

Ms. Elizabeth Yoon, Recruitment Coordinator
Department of Management and Organizations
Stern School of Business
40 West 4th Street, Room 7-24
New York, NY 10012
(212) 998-0201

New York University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

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