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 Concession Making in Negotiation: Help Needed
Posted by: Alexander Freund
Title/Position: Scientific Assistant
School/Organization: University of Muenster
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 17th, 2009

Dear Colleagues:

We are conducting a meta-analysis on the impact of soft versus tough concession strategies on negotiation outcomes (economic and social-psychological). We are building on the early and important meta-analysis by Allen and colleagues (Allen, Donohue, & Stewart, 1990) and including the studies mentioned in their analysis. We hope to go beyond their work by adding more (and more recent) studies, focusing on both economic and social-psychological outcomes, testing for moderators and applying recent and state-of-the-art analysis methods. We're looking for studies that have manipulated/investigated different styles of concession making (e.g., different timing or different sizes of the concessions, etc.) and looking at their impact on economic and social-psychological outcomes.

We would be very grateful for your help locating any papers we have may have missed. We're especially interested in papers that are not published (yet), papers in the review process, papers about to be published (accepted or in press), etc. We would also be very grateful for any hints that inform us about researchers who are currently investigating these and related issues and processes.

Thanks in advance for supporting our study by sending us any papers you have written or by giving us valuable hints!


Alexander Freund and Alfred Zerres
( and

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