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 ISRA 2010 World Meeting
Posted by: Craig A. Anderson
Title/Position: Distinguished Professor
School/Organization: Iowa State University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: October 22nd, 2009

Dear All,

The International Society for Research on Aggression (ISRA) and the Center for the Study of Violence (CSV) are happy to invite you to the 2010 World Conference, to be held in Storrs, Connecticut at the University of Connecticut campus. The dates are from July 27 to July 31, 2010.

Researchers from any discipline studying aggression or violence are welcome to attend the conference and to submit proposals. For symposia, the deadline for submission is February 15, 2010. For individual oral paper and poster proposals the deadline is March 15, 2010. Submission details are available in the December 2009 Bulletin, will be posted on the ISRA homepage, and are also available in both PDF and Word format at our website:

Included in the program are multiple plenary speakers, speakers organized into symposium, oral papers, and poster presentations. Additionally, social events such as trips to museums and aquariums, seaport visits, and fine dining capped by a banquet have been planned for conference-goers.

The full program, registration, and travel details are now available at:


Craig A. Anderson, Distinguished Professor
Director, Center for the Study of Violence
Department of Psychology
W112 Lagomarcino Hall
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011-3180

Phone: (515) 294-3118
FAX: (515) 294-6424
Web page:
Center web page:

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