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 Book Announcement
Posted by: Bella DePaulo
Title/Position: Visiting Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: University of California, Santa Barbara
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: October 1st, 2009

Dear Colleagues,

Just wanted to let you know about my recent collection of 89 essays, “Single with Attitude: Not Your Typical Take on Health and Happiness, Love and Money, Marriage and Friendship.” The book includes essays originally published in places such as the New York Times and the Chronicle of Higher Education, as well as online at Forbes, Psychology Today, and the Huffington Post.

“Single with Attitude” includes critiques of media reports of the links between marital status and outcome variables such as health and happiness, and sometimes of the studies themselves. I also offer new perspectives on media splashes such as the infamous Newsweek article comparing (unfavorably) the chances of a 40-year old single woman getting married to her chances of getting killed by a terrorist. There are interviews with academics, authors, and religious leaders. The book also includes discussions of singlism and matrimania, comparisons of the issues in the same-sex marriage debate to the matters of greatest consequence to singles, and analyses of historical trends in marriage and single life.

The links to the paperback version of “Single with Attitude” as well as the Kindle version are on the home page of my web site, on the right-hand side:

Links to my other books are there, too.

Hope you enjoy it.


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