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 Postdoctoral Research Associate
Posted by: Tony Manstead
Title/Position: Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: Cardiff University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: September 2nd, 2009

We invite applications for a 3-year Postdoctoral Research Associate position at the School of Psychology, Cardiff University, starting as soon as possible after November 2009 (the exact starting date is negotiable).

The successful candidate will be engaged in a research project on the "Regulatory functions of social emotions in cooperation" funded by the ESRC (PI: Tony Manstead). The project aims to investigate the ways in which emotions can regulate social behaviour in situations involving fairness, trust, and cooperation. Part of the work will consist of conducting and analysing a series of laboratory-based experiments using experimental game paradigms (e.g., ultimatum or ‘trust’ games) to test hypotheses regarding the role of social emotions in bringing about cooperative behaviour.

This project forms part of a larger European Collaborative Research Project on "The Social Dimension of Emotion Regulation: Brain, Mind and Behaviour," sponsored by the European Science Foundation and coordinated by Henrik Walter (University of Bonn). Other participating projects are based in Germany (Bonn) and Switzerland (Geneva, led by Klaus Scherer). The overall objective of the ECRP is to arrive at an integrative theoretical framework of multi-level emotion regulation.

Applicants should hold or be close to completing a Ph.D. in social psychology, behavioural economics, or human ethology with a strong background in the psychology of emotion, experimental design, and multivariate statistics.

Programming skills, knowledge of experimental game paradigms used to study trust and cooperation, and experience with digital video editing are desirable, but not mandatory.

For further information regarding the position, please refer to the main advert on the Cardiff University web site:

or contact Martin Bruder (

The School of Psychology at Cardiff University is one of the largest and most successful in the UK (ranked first by research power in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise). The social psychology group is broad and vibrant, and will provide a stimulating and supportive environment for the successful candidate. For further information regarding social psychology at Cardiff University, please visit the web site:

Those interested should download the application pack and the application form from:

and submit the completed application form – quoting the reference number 430 – to HR Division, Cardiff University, McKenzie House, 30-36 Newport Road, Cardiff CF24 0DE, UK (or to by 17.00 BST on Tuesday, 15th September.

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