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 LinkedIn group “Econ. Psycl & Behavioural Ec"
Posted by: Elena Tougareva
Title/Position: Senior Research Officer
School/Organization: Institute of Psychology RAS, Social and Econ. Psyc.
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: August 5th, 2009

Dear Colleagues,

I hope that this information could be interesting for some of you.

I would like to inform you that one month ago LinkedIn group “Economic Psychology & Behavioural Economics” was created:

This LinkedIn group is aimed to connect researchers (predominantly academic) working in the field of economic psychology, behavioural economics and socio-economics. All interested professionals are welcome, in particular IAREP (International Association for Research in Economic Psychology), SABE (Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics), SASE (Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics) and other allied associations members.

Linkedin ( ) is a kind of social network system. The advantage of Linkedin – it is really worldwide professional network.

You could get a maximum of Linkedin if you would complete your personal profile and join relevant groups. Group advantages are in possibility to enlarge the range of professionals you can reach for with your information, opinion, news, events, etc. Group members can start and follow discussions, post job announcements. They can see each other profiles and maintain correspondence, so they can find the partners for their research projects. The group could be subscribed to the relevant RSS and Atom feeds.

Linkedin groups feature could be useful for allied associations’ promotion; it could interest professionals in associations’ activities and encourage them to become the members. It might bring the disciplines under the attention of other people.

For some of you the EP&BE LinkedIn group could be interesting. This research field is really interdisciplinary, and if you study economic psychological problems, you are welcome to join:

Please, notify me in your request to join the group about your membership (

I’d appreciate if you inform your colleagues with similar scientific interests about this group and encourage them to join it!

With kind regards,

P.S. If you are not registered in Linkedin, these links to Linkedin help will clarify for you the principles of using the Linkedin:

- Guidelines for users are in Linkedin Learning Center and
- New User Starter Guide

If you prefer first to create your account in Linkedin and afterwards join the group you could join Linkedin via . The system will ask you to fill out some necessary positions for creating your account.

Once you got your account you should enter Linkedin system via “sign in” (not via “join now”)
Please, note that you should have only one account to avoid technical problems with duplicate accounts (this mistake of new users is quite typical). When you join Linkedin you should choose one of your e-mail addresses as primary (more comfortable for your e-mail correspondence). Linkedin account allows up to 3 e-mails addresses mentioned, so you will have opportunity to add them afterwards by editing your account settings. Other mentioned e-mails (secondary) allow you not to miss invitations to connect which will be sent to you by other people in Linkedin.

I can give you in addition some brief orientation.

After you “sign in” you will find yourself in your own home page. At the left side you’ll see your menu: “Home”, “Groups”, “Profile”, “Inbox”, etc. You can view your profile at the menu “Profile” – “View My Profile”. You can edit your profile information at the menu “Profile” – “Edit My Profile”. You can see your Linkedin e-mail correspondence in your “Inbox”. You can visit your groups via menu “Groups”, etc.

Above at the right you’ll see menu “Account and settings”, “Help”, “Sign out”. You can change your account settings via menu “Account and settings”. You can see answers to frequently asked questions in “Help”. And use “Sign out” to sign out.

Now, you can join the “Economic Psychology & Behavioural Economics” LinkedIn group. After you've got your account, go to the link and choose “join the group”. I’ll receive your request to join via system and will approve it.

Elena Tougareva, PhD
Laboratory of Social and Economic Psychology
Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Yaroslavskaya str., 13
129366 Moscow, Russia
e-mail: (primary)

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