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 Two-Year Postdoctoral Fellowship
Posted by: Vicki Morwitz
Title/Position: Research Professor of Marketing
School/Organization: New York University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: July 14th, 2009

One NIH-funded postdoctoral fellow position is available at the Stern School of Business at New York University. The research will use techniques from human neuroscience and social and cognitive psychology to investigate and measure engagement with moving images and to apply that learning to study the effectiveness of public service advertising campaigns. The research involves collaboration between consumer psychology faculty at NYU (Eric Greenleaf, Tom Meyvis, and Vicki Morwitz) and the University of Pennsylvania (Geeta Menon) and the neural science laboratories of David Heeger at NYU’s Center for Neural Science and Uri Hasson at Princeton. A successful applicant is expected to have experience with fMRI or eye tracking, and to have a broad interest in consumer psychology and/or related fields. No prior training in consumer psychology is required, but the person must show a genuine interest in these areas.

This is a two year term limited appointment, which will start as soon as possible. Consideration of applications will begin immediately, and will end when the position is filled. Salary is competitive and will be commensurate with experience and qualifications. To be considered for this position, candidates must provide a current CV, sample publications, a brief research statement, and the names/addresses of three references. These materials must be submitted electronically by visiting the following link:

If you have any difficulties submitting your materials, please contact Laura Caldwell (; 212.998.0505).

New York University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. NYU does not discriminate based on age, sex, religion, race, color, national origin, disability, marital status, veteran status, sexual orientation, or any other factor prohibited by law. Qualified candidates of diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds are encouraged to apply for this position.

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