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 Job in Quantitative Methods
Posted by: Rich Gramzow
Title/Position: Lecturer in Social Psychology
School/Organization: University of Southampton
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: July 10th, 2009

Dear List Members,

We, in the Social-Personality area at the University of Southampton, would like to announce an opening in the School of Psychology for a Lecturer in Quantitative Methods. (“Lecturer” in the UK is fully equivalent to Assistant Professor in the US, Europe, et al.) The position is open in terms of research area, and we are very eager to receive applications for statistically savvy social-personality psychologists. As you will see from the official job ad (link provided below), the time frame is very tight. Regardless, we encourage any qualified individual who is potentially interested to apply.

The University of Southampton ( is one of the top Research Universities in the United Kingdom and a member of the prestigious Russell Group ( The School of Psychology at Southampton was rated in the top 10 in the UK during the 2009 Research Assessment Exercise. We have a very cohesive and productive group of Social and Personality Psychologists here, studying a wide variety of topics. The research facilities and technical support with the School and University are excellent (

Southampton is a medium-sized coastal city (population 230,000) in Southern England, bordering the historic and picturesque New Forest, and well-known for sailing and other boating activities. It is only 80 miles from London, and is hence extremely convenient for national and international travel. At the same time, it is one of the ‘greenest’ cities in Europe, with two rivers, a large and beautiful Common with three lakes, and a chain of parks running throughout the city centre.

Please contact Dr. Richard Gramzow ( with any inquiries.

The official link to the job ad follows:*1C6A34237830C251

Best Wishes,
Kathy Carnelley
Rich Gramzow
Aiden Gregg
Constantine Sedikides
Tim Wildschut

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