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 Seeking Unpublished Studies of Friendship and Prejudice
Posted by: Arthur Aron
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Psychology Dept., SUNY at Stony Brook
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: June 4th, 2009

Dear Colleagues,

We are seeking unpublished work assessing both friendly cross-group contact and prejudice/intergroup attitudes towards the outgroup of one’s friend. The measures of friendship can include quantitative assessments (e.g., number of friends or time spent with friends) or qualitative assessments (e.g., closeness to friends or self-disclosure between friends).

If you are uncertain whether your work fits our criteria, please send it to us anyway!

My collaborator and graduate student, Kristin Davies (, is collecting all replies. (Or send it to me if you prefer.)

Some time ago we had posted a similar request but have decided to expand our literature search to include more recent work, and so we are now asking for any relevant unpublished work SINCE August 2007.

Thanks so much,
Arthur Aron and Kristin Davies
(Also, thank you on behalf of our collaborators: Linda Tropp, Tom Pettigrew, and Steve Wright)

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