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 Call for Papers: Motivation and Emotion
Posted by: Rex A. Wright
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of Alabama at Birmingham
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 26th, 2009


Please note the Special Issue Call below. Motivation and Emotion will announce a sharply increased impact factor this June and aims to be a central outlet for papers concerned with motivational/emotional processes.

Call for Papers

The journal Motivation and Emotion invites submissions for a Special Issue devoted to the topic: "Implicit Motives: Measures, Mechanisms, and Management.”

Implicit motives are at the heart of motivation psychology. Since the late 1980s and the introduction of a systematic distinction between implicit and explicit (or self-attributed) motives, research on implicit motives has blossomed. Theory has advanced and has led to empirical analyses of the mechanisms that link implicit motives with basic affective processes, hormonal reactions, systolic blood pressure, and brain activity, as well as with related processes such as self-regulation and volition, intrinsic motivation, and flow experience. New motive taxonomies are being discussed distinguishing types of implicit motives; researchers have begun to study the issue of implicit and explicit motive congruence; and practitioners and scholars from clinical psychology and neighboring fields have also become interested in the management of implicit motives and their effects on behavior. Even recent approaches to leadership see the arousal of implicit motives as the operating mechanism of leadership.

Research on implicit motives appears in diverse research streams, journals, and academic circles. For this Special Issue, we seek such diverse research, and we especially encourage submission of empirical contributions that rigorously test, synthesize, and advance existing theory or develop new theoretical perspectives. Innovative theoretical papers are also welcome.

Manuscripts should address issues including, but not limited to:

1. New or under-researched implicit motives such as sex, hunger, or implicit avoidance motives.
2. The distinction between implicit and explicit motives.
3. Motive congruence, motive discrepancies, and moderating factors.
4. New tools for assessing implicit motives (including semi-projective measures).
5. The mechanisms by which implicit motives are aroused and influence affect, cognition, and behavior.
6. Integration of implicit motive theory with theory and constructs from other motivation and emotion literatures (e.g., intrinsic motivation, flow, goals and self-regulation, volition, traits and temperament).
7. The management (broadly defined) of implicit motives, including both self-management and motive management within organizational settings.

Submission deadline: December 1, 2009

Submit you papers through the regular Motivation and Emotion process at:

Indicate in the cover letter your interest in this special issue.

Special Issue Editors:
Hugo M. Kehr (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
Todd M. Thrash (College of William & Mary, USA)
Rex A. Wright (University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA)

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