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 TAs' & RAs' Rights to Organize
Posted by: Jim Uleman
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: New York University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: October 31st, 2008

Dear Colleague,

GSOC/UAW is the union for graduate employees at New York University. I supported GSOC/UAW in its recent unsuccessful strike to regain bargaining rights at NYU. So I’m writing to ask you to sign and circulate an online petition urging Senators and Representatives to co-sponsor new breakthrough legislation, the Teaching and Research Assistants Collective Bargaining Rights Act.

This Obama-co-sponsored federal legislation would guarantee TA's and RA's at private universities and colleges the right to unionize and have the same say over their pay, working conditions and benefits that our colleagues at public universities have enjoyed for years.

The petition is available at:

Because the Teaching and Research Assistants Collective Bargaining Rights Act is federal legislation, ANYONE -- regardless of citizenship or voter registration status -- can sign so please forward the URL to all of your listserves.

The Teaching and Research Assistants Collective Bargaining Rights Act has already gained the support of many powerful legislators, including Senator Ted Kennedy, Democratic Presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama, and Senator Hillary Clinton.

International opinion is also on our side. This summer, the International Labor Organization, an agency of the United Nations, reaffirmed TA's and RA's internationally recognized right to form unions.

While this legislation has congressional and public, we need to capitalize on its current momentum. This is not, by any means, a done deal.

To ensure that the Teaching and Research Assistants Collective Bargaining Rights Act passes in Congress and becomes federal law, please:

* Sign and circulate the online petition! Go to:

* Get more involved! Please email or call 212-529-2580 and ask to speak to a GSOC member.

Thanks in advance,
Jim Uleman
Professor at NYU

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