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 Call for Papers: Self Regulation of Group Processes
Posted by: Kai Jonas
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: Universiteit van Amsterdam
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: October 14th, 2008

Small Group Meeting on:
Self-Regulation Approaches to Group Processes

Organized by Kai J. Jonas, Kai Sassenberg, & Daan Scheepers

The integration of self-regulation theories to group processes is a relatively young and growing field of research, and it is the aim with this Small Group Meeting to document the state of the research and to further its impact. In doing so we seek to establish a more “social” view on self-regulation by focussing on the intersection of basic (intra-personal) cognitive and motivational principles and inter-personal, intra-group, and inter-group phenomena like negotiation, leadership, decision-making, stereotyping, and discrimination. Therefore, the current meeting aims to bring together research on group processes and self-regulation, recurring to a similar set of theories and foster the exchange among them.

In particular, we seek to instigate an exchange of: (a) researchers that are working on self-regulation in other domains of social psychology that can impact on the inter- and intragroup self regulation perspective, (b) scholars with a background in group research that are interested in applying self-regulation approaches and (c) finally, those who have already conducted self-regulation research on both group phenomena.

The format of the meeting is single session, with a strong focus on discussion to be reflected in the schedule. We believe that this meeting should provide a fruitful means to bring existing research accounts together. We are asking for indication of interest and/or submissions from both junior and senior researchers.

We are planning to host the meeting from the 21st of June (arrival in the evening) to the 24th of June (departure in the morning) at a cozy conference location close to Tübingen, Germany. Tübingen can be reached easily by train and is close to Stuttgart Airport with excellent connections to all major European cities, as well as direct flights to the US.

If you are interested in participating, please send an email including the title of your presentation, an abstract (max. 250 words) and your contact details to Karin Kaldewey ( before 15th of February 2009. For further information please contact Kai J. Jonas (

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