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Institution/Organization: SPSSI
Job Location: Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
Contact Person: Dan Perlman
Date Posted: July 14th, 2004
Closing Date: September 30th, 2004

Nominations Invited for New SPSSI WebMaster Position

SPSSI invites nominations, including self-nominations, for the newly approved position of the SPSSI WebMaster. Nominations/applications should be submitted to Dan Perlman,, on or before September 30, 2004. The WebMaster will be the “go to” person who is in charge of the SPSSI web site. The WebMaster will do the work of maintaining the site in an interdependent manner with assistance from SPSSI’s database clerk and consultants as needed for specialized tasks. Not only does the SPSSI web site provide visitors with information but also it is increasingly central in SPSSI administrative functioning (e.g., membership renewals, convention registration, grant processing, etc.). The WebMaster will need skills in web site operation, ideally including an interest in web design and web interfacing with databases. The Web Master’s role can be performed from anywhere so the WebMaster need not be located in Washington, DC. He or she will be charged with making the site the best possible. This will involve insuring that the site has an attractive, consistent look; that it is user friendly; that changes can be made efficiently; and that the url comes up very early in SPSSI-relevant searches via such search engines as Google. Stimulating and wisely selecting new content and administrative functions is crucial to the site’s success. Thus part of the Web Master’s task will be to bring on new materials, insuring that their integration into the site. She or he will insure the existing content of the site is continually kept up-to-date. There may periodically be programming or design tasks beyond the scope of the Web Master’s position. The Web Master should be able to liaise with SPSSI’s Executive Director and/or governance group and have the capacity to play an important role in contracting out of work. This might involve specifying what work needs to be done, getting cost estimates, seeing that work is properly done, etc. The WebMaster will recommend to SPSSI Council enhancements of the web site and provide information (e.g., usage data) to assist Council in assessing its success. The WebMaster will be asked to form an advisory group and make semi-annual reports to SPSSI Council. It is hoped that this job can be performed within a few hours a week. SPSSI will provide a small honorarium ($4,000), and modest operating costs ($2,500) for a work study assistant and/or software. Interested applicants should provide a resume, names of references, and an indication of where samples of their web work can be found. This position is open to student as well as regular members of SPSSI.

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