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 Tenure-Track Positions in Psychology
Institution/Organization: Ashoka University
Job Location: India
Job Type: Tenure-Track
Contact Person: Faculty Recruitment
Date Posted: January 20th, 2023
Web Site:

The Department of Psychology at Ashoka University invites applications for full-time tenure track faculty positions (open rank). Ashoka is a leading liberal arts and sciences university in Sonipat, near Delhi.

The selected candidates are expected to have an outstanding research profile in any area of general psychology. We especially welcome applicants with specializations in Developmental, Clinical, or Social Psychology.

At Ashoka, we emphasize Psychology as an empirical science. The Psychology department has about 350 undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students as well as faculty members. Faculty research expertise spans several subdisciplines, including animal cognition, social identity, and cognitive neuroscience. Department members collaborate with faculty from Biosciences, Computer Science, Philosophy, the Center for Social and Behavioral Change, as well as with hospitals and NGOs in the development sector.

Successful candidates are expected to excel in teaching and research. Faculty are supported with lab start-up costs, research and travel grants, and research sabbaticals. Faculty members are also expected to mentor students and contribute to the institution. The terms and conditions of employment are internationally competitive.
Applicants should have a PhD by the time of appointment, and candidates nearing the completion of their doctorate will also be considered as long as they obtain their Ph.D and can start teaching no later than the commencement of the Monsoon semester (August 2023).

Applicants should submit: (1) a cover letter, (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) two samples of academic writings (article length), (4) teaching philosophy statement and teaching evaluations (if available), (5) research plan for the next 3-5 years, and (6) names of three referees to be contacted by the University for recommendations.

The Psychology department at Ashoka University especially welcomes applications from persons of marginalized classes, castes, genders, races, abilities, religions, regions, sexual orientations, and members of other groups underrepresented in academia.

All materials should be submitted through:

The deadline for submitting a complete application is Mar 31, 2023

For any queries or further information, please write to;

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This advertisement is a continuation of the search announced by the advertisement posted on the website earlier. Those who had applied in response to the earlier advertisement need not apply again.

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