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 Assistant Professor
Institution/Organization: New York University
Job Location: New York, U.S.A.
Job Type: Tenure-Track
Contact Person: Rezarta Bilali
Date Posted: October 16th, 2022
Web Site:

New York University’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the Applied Psychology Department.

Description: Successful applicants will join a group of scholars - community, counseling, developmental, and social/political psychologists - to investigate how historical and structural inequities disproportionately a) affect wellbeing, mental and physical health, development, education, access to resources, and life opportunities for Black, Latinx, Indigenous, migrant and other marginalized communities; b) how they impact settings, organizations and institutions that serve diverse communities; c) how these, in turn, shape outcomes for youth, families, and communities; and how the narratives, ideologies and systems that maintain these disparities and inequities d) are resisted and challenged by marginalized communities; e) can be disrupted by theorizing, developing and testing ethical and equitable interventions in various community settings (e.g., schools, neighborhoods, welfare systems, legal systems, etc.) and policy solutions. We seek applicants whose research explores one or more of these issues in the U.S. or other parts of the world, and whose research mentorship, teaching and service reflects a commitment to equity, belonging, and justice.

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