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 Research Engineer
Institution/Organization: Stanford Graduate School of Business
Job Location: California, U.S.A.
Contact Person: Nicholas Hall
Date Posted: July 10th, 2022
Closing Date: September 15th, 2022
Web Site:

The Behavioral Laboratory at the Stanford Graduate School of Business seeks a Research Engineer (RE - Science and Engineering Associate 1). The Research Engineer will draw on a broad set of technological, creative, and problem-solving skills, as well as a strong background in social / behavioral science, in order to facilitate, accelerate, and broaden academic research in the Behavioral Lab.

As a member of the team, you will have the opportunity to work and consult with researchers, faculty, students, and staff in various behavioral and social science projects on an array of technical tasks from online surveys to laboratory eye-tracking experiments. Your clients will include GSB faculty who are largely in the organizational behavior and behavioral marketing fields, using methodological approaches specific to their research - very often related to surveys. As an RE, you will typically engage multiple faculty clients at a time, and these engagements might last anywhere from a few days to several weeks. Your role will require you to listen carefully and critically in order to understand the faculty member’s research goals and the obstacles they face in:

--Operationalizing their ideas into practical implementation
--Creatively using technology to meet their goals
--Building new, unique datasets
--Transforming existing datasets to make them model and analysis ready
--Understanding and building upon the existing literature

Please apply online. The contact person on this ad cannot take resumes directly.

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