Network News
After war broke out between Israel and Hamas in October 2023, Social Psychology Network joined the Alliance for Middle East Peace as a partner organization. The Alliance is a coalition of over 170 groups—and tens of thousands of Palestinians and Israelis—building people-to-people cooperation, coexistence, mutual understanding, and peace.
We mourn the loss of life on both sides of this conflict and call on users of SPN to generously support groups working toward peace in the region. Here are some useful links:
Learn about the conflict
Support peace efforts
Donate humanitarian relief
"If you want to help someone with tuberculosis, you kill the bacteria, not the person. All of us are victims of the bacteria called violence... If I can say anything to you, it is to invite you to look deeply and recognize the real enemy. That enemy is not a person. That enemy is a way of thinking that has brought a lot of suffering for everyone."
–Thich Nhat Hanh. (2004).
Peace begins here: Palestinians and Israelis listening to each other. Parallax Press.