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 Alexithymia Meta-Analysis
Posted by: Sally Olderbak
Title/Position: Postdoctoral Researcher
School/Organization: Ulm University
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: May 3rd, 2017

Dear Colleagues,

We are conducting a meta-analysis on the relation of alexithymia with the following constructs:

• emotional intelligence
• emotion perception/recognition
• emotion understanding
• emotion management
• emotion regulation
• theory of mind
• empathic accuracy
• empathy

Because of potential publication bias, we are asking for any unpublished results with these effects (e.g., alexithymia and theory of mind, or alexithymia and emotion understanding). We are interested in clinical and non-clinical samples with the mean age of participants between 18 and 60 years old. Of course, please email us with any questions!


Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards,
Angela Ruland, Zahra Soltaninejad, Sally Olderbak, Oliver Wilhelm (Ulm University)

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