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 Religious Priming Info Requested for Meta-Analysis
Posted by: Azim Shariff
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: University of Oregon
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP
Date posted: January 29th, 2013

Dear Colleagues,

Ara Norenzayan, Aiyana Willard and I are looking for any studies using religious priming for a meta-analysis on the topic.

If you have conducted such a study—published or unpublished, with positive or null effects—that primes
religious concepts through subliminal, implicit, explicit or contextual means, we are hoping to get some basic statistical and methodological information about it.

To streamline this process, we've created a survey that asks for all the information that is needed. The survey is available here:

If you have additional information, or are having trouble with the survey, please do not hesitate to email me at Also, if you know of anyone who has conducted this research, but may not see this notice, please pass it on.

We are very grateful for any help getting a clear picture on all the research on the topic. In fact, Ara has promised backrubs for everyone who helps.

Very much appreciated,

Azim F. Shariff, PhD
Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Oregon
Email: | Phone: 541.222.9354
Website: | Twitter: @azimshariff

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