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 Tenure Track, Personality
Institution/Organization: Louisiana College
Job Location: Louisiana, U.S.A.
Job Type: Tenure-Track
Contact Person: Dr Marvin HEcht
Date Posted: March 28th, 2000

Dear SPSP job seekers: The following job add may be of interest
to some list members. It appeared in the Chronicle of Higher Education on March 31, 2000. We are looking for an Assistant Professor in Psychology, and area of specialization is open. Psychology has two faculty and we currently have a social psychologist who teaches social, relationships, intro, research methods, statistics, tests & measurements, & physiological.

For the second faculty member we are looking for someone who could teach the remaining courses such as personality, clinical/counseling, abnormal, developmental, personal growth & development, history & systems, and/or cognition. We surmise that a broadly trained person in an area such as personality (or perhapsclinical) could fill this position quite adequately. Please send materials such as vitae, reprints,teaching & research statement,teacher ratings etc to the address below immediately. Our web pages are and our department also has a web page at Please direct questions to Dr Dabbs at the e-mail address below.

Thanks, Marvin Hecht

*Assistant Professor of Psychology: Louisiana College seeks a tenure track assistant professor of psychology, to begin August 2000. Ph.D. required. Preferred areas of specialization are: clinical, developmental, cognitive, or personality. Course responsibilities include: intro, abnormal, developmental, counseling, history and systems, cognitive, or personality.

Please send resume and letter of application to: Dr. Jennifer Dabbs, Chair, Department of Human Behavior, Louisiana College, P.O. Box 563, Pineville, LA 71359. Application reviews will begin immediately. E-mail inquiries may be sent to

Louisiana College is a private, coeducational college of liberal arts and science, offering undergraduate degree programs. It is governed by a Board of Trustees chosen by the Louisiana Baptist Convention. With approximately 1,000 students, the College offers more than 40 majors and concentrations and has study abroad programs in England and Hong Kong, as well as programs in China and Mexico. The College has been listed in the John Templeton Foundation Honor Roll for Character Building Colleges, Barron's Best Buys, and U.S. News and World Report top tier of liberal arts colleges in the South. AA/EOE.

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