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 Postdoc /Ph.D. Program
Institution/Organization: Tilburg University
Job Location: Netherlands
Job Types: Postdoctoral, Other
Contact Person: Diederik A. Stapel
Date Posted: May 11th, 2007
Web Site:


A number of researchers from the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences and the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Tilburg University (in the Netherlands) are affiliated with and collaborate in TIBER. The scientific director of TIBER is Professor Diederik A. Stapel. More information about TIBER can be found at:

TIBER aims to become a leading center for scientific expertise in the field of behavioral decision making by contributing to the development of new insights into the psychological determinants of economic decision making.

TIBER is seeking open-minded, junior researchers who are attracted to doing research at the interface of psychological and economic research. Thus, TIBER seeks to appoint a number of PhD students and a number of post-doctoral fellows.

TIBER Postdocs
TIBER sponsors two- and three-year postdoctoral fellowships designed to help junior researchers develop and sharpen their knowledge of and expertise in basic research into the psychological determinants of economic behavior, either by starting from economics and moving towards psychology or by starting from psychology and moving towards economics. The first fellowship can start as early as the fall of 2007.

TIBER Ph.D. Program
Tiber invites smart and adventurous students with a background in either marketing, economics, or psychology to apply for participation in the Tiber Ph.D. program. Tiber Ph.D. students will be trained in both psychology and economics and will investigate issues related to behavioral decision making.

Interested in either of these programs? Visit or contact

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