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 Unpublished Data: Affirmative Action Meta-Analysis
Posted by: Samantha Campbell
Title/Position: Ph.D. Candidate
School/Organization: School of Psychology, University of Queensland
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 9th, 2019

Good afternoon,

We are conducting a meta-analysis examining responses (both beneficiary and non-beneficiary) to affirmative action policies/programs. While we've attempted to ensure all published studies in this area have been collected, we also hope to include all relevant unpublished or forth coming research.

In particular, we are looking for any studies that:

(1) Measure any responses in the presence of an affirmative action policy/program and;

(2) Include a control condition that does not include any affirmative action strategies which give preference to a minority group.

Data from field studies will also be included, provided that the participants clearly confirm or disconfirm that affirmative action is used in their organisation or educational institution, so that their responses may be classified in the affirmative action present or absent conditions, respectively.

To allow for a timely analysis, we are aiming to have all relevant data (sample, method and results) collated by 3 January 2020.

If you have any or know of any unpublished data that may fit these criteria, please contact me at: We would be happy to share a copy of our results after completion of the search and analysis upon request.

We appreciate your time and any assistance you may be able to offer.

Samantha Campbell, Dr. Courtney von Hippel, Sarah Coundouris, and Dr. Julie Henry
University of Queensland, Australia

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