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 Contention: The Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Protest
Posted by: Young Lee
Title/Position: Marketing Manager
School/Organization: Berghahn Journals
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: October 4th, 2017

Dear Colleague,

Berghahn is pleased to announce the re-launch of an exciting journal in 2017, Contention: The Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Protest.

Contention is dedicated to research on and about social protest and political behavior. The journal advances essential knowledge of a comprehensive range of collective actions, social movements, and other forms of political and social contention. By providing a multidisciplinary forum to scholars within and across the social sciences and humanities, it seeks to promote scholarly exchange and knowledge sharing among them.

Volume 5, Issue 1

Special Issue: Creative Practices/Resistant Acts: Cultural Production and Emerging Democracies in Revolutionary Nations

Guest edited by Nesreen Hussein and Iain MacKenzie

Editorial, Giovanni A. Travaglino and Benjamin Abrams


Creative Practices/Resistant Acts, Nesreen Hussein and Iain MacKenzie


Flying Above Bloodshed: Performative Protest in the Sacred City of Damascus, Ziad Adwan

"For a Martyr from Afar": A Response to Laila Soliman's No Time for Art, Caroline Rooney

The Amāra on the Square: Connective Agency and the Aesthetics of the Egyptian Revolution, Ayman El-Desouky

Staging Democracy: The Aganaktismenoi of Greece and the Squares-Movement(s), George Sotiropoulos

Volumes 1-4 are open access. Please visit the journal site to view:

Please recommend Contention to your library. A form is provided on the website:


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