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 Conference on Medicalization of Sexuality
Posted by: Carol Tavris
Title/Position: N/A
School/Organization: N/A
Sent to listserv of: SPSSI
Date posted: December 20th, 2015

Dear Colleagues,

Anyone concerned that the "social" part of our charter is being swept under by bio- and medico- approaches to normal social problems might be interested in attending this exciting conference at the Kinsey Institute, "The New View Campaign to Challenge the Medicalization of Sexuality," October 6-8, 2016, in Bloomington, Indiana. The "New View" began after Viagra became a blockbuster drug and the pharmaceutical companies' tireless efforts to find a female equivalent, and it has had enormous success in promoting the psychological, cultural, and social origins of most people's sexual difficulties. This capstone conference will review the politics and science of the efforts to medicalize female sexuality.

Attachment: New View Capstone Save the Date 12.15.15.pdf

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