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 Assistant Professor—Community or Social Psychology
Institution/Organization: Worcester State University
Job Location: Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Job Type: Tenure-Track
Contact Person: Lori Dawson
Date Posted: September 15th, 2021
Web Site:

The Department of Psychology at Worcester State University is seeking candidates for a tenure-track assistant professor position in Community or Social Psychology with a focus on the etiology and consequences of individual and systemic oppression. Preference will be given to candidates who engage in community-engaged scholarship addressing social problems and/or public policy. The successful candidate will be expected to teach core courses in the Psychology of Diversity, Social Psychology, Applied Social Psychology, Research Methods and Applied Research Methods. Candidates may also develop courses in their area of specialization. We seek candidates who strive for teaching excellence, and who are committed to a program of research that involves mentoring undergraduates.

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